I Can Only Say That I Am Still Dealing With It Everyday

Source: Humans of Bombay

“When I lost my mother I didn’t just lose a parent – I lost my conscience keeper, my sense of balance and my best friend. When you ask me how I’ve dealt with it.

I can only say that I’m still dealing with it everyday. There’s no dealing with something like that once and for all. She was such a strong personality that everyday I try to channelize my energy in the way she would have liked me to.

I know she’s watching over me, so I try my best to make sure she’s proud of who I’m becoming. Even in the midst of her cancer treatment she insisted that I go back to college to complete my senior year, and my brother begins shooting for his first film – because that’s the kind of woman she was.

We always came before everything else for her and she didn’t want us to put anything on hold because of her illness.

The hardest part I guess was coming to a home without her – because for me home was where my mother was and now home is wherever my brother is. Even without being here she’s made me so strong.

I’m 5’11, strong, independent and nowhere close to being a damsel in distress. It’s because of her, that I don’t need anyone to save me. I already have myself for that.”

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Editor : The Logical Indian