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Redefining Healthcare: Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinic Gets Vending Machine To Dispense Medicines

Another step towards quality health care

AAP’s Mohalla clinics continue to make news for its efforts and achievements in providing quality and affordable health care to the masses. Today, the Mohalla clinics have gone a step further by providing a state-of-the-art mini vending machine for the first time in an Aam Aadmi Mohalla clinic in Todapur, Delhi. The vending machine has the capacity to dispense up to 50 different types of prescribed medicines, including tablets and bottles.

Technology for healthcare

The automatic vending machine uses sensor technology to dispense medicines based on doctors’ prescription. The vending machine initiative is jointly funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and WISH, under the project SCALE.  The presence of machines will negate the need of a helper to provide medicines under the supervision of a doctor; besides, it also nullifies the need of a full-time pharmacist and greatly helps doctors in knowing the availability of medicines and that of the medicines that are being distributed.

Cost advantage of mohalla clinics

The advantage of a mohalla clinic lies in the cost of the clinic which can be built at Rs 20 lakh compared to a government dispensary which takes about Rs 3 crores to build. One of AAP’s primary pitch to the people during the campaign was to improve the health care infrastructure in Delhi that will benefit all.

The mohalla clinic is at the core of this idea and under the AAP Mohalla clinic project, there are about 105 Mohalla clinics running across Delhi. The clinics provide primary healthcare like basic consultations and medicines.

The Logical Indian lauds the initiative and appreciates the AAP government for investing in health care infrastructure. We request the other state governments to take up such initiatives and ensure the people can access and afford quality healthcare.

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Editor : The Logical Indian