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Snorting Dry Ginger Can Cure Omnicron? Video Viral With Baseless Claim

A video of an unidentified man claiming snorting ginger powder can cure Covid-19 is going viral on social media.

Amidst the increase in Covid-19 cases, a video of an alleged doctor is going viral on social media claiming that snorting ginger powder or dried ginger will kill the Omicron virus.

In the viral video, an unknown man is seen giving a solution to kill the Omicron variant of coronavirus and is asking to take a bit of Ginger powder in one's hand and snort it two times a day. Further, he can be heard giving a reason behind snorting Ginger powder- "The reason is very scientific, dried ginger is highly alkaline, and it has a high pH value. All the mucus and the acid... the infections which you have are all acidic and have low pH. When you put it inside, they get killed instantly."

The man in the video is identified as Dr Sushil Razdan by some users and Dr Zarir Udwadia by a few social media handles. 

The video is being shared on various social media platforms with a caption, "Dr Sushil Razdan is a famous neurologist of India. He is suggesting the Ayurvedic method for covid." (sic.)

Kashmir Express, an online portal of Jammu and Kashmir, also recognized the person as Dr Sushil Razdan. 

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The video is also viral on YouTube

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Snorting Ginger powder can help kill the Omicron variant.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian team verified the claim and found it to be false. The person in the video is neither Dr Sushil Razdan nor Dr Zarir Udwadia. Also, the solution of killing the Omicron variant by snorting Ginger powder is not true.

First, we looked up Dr Sushil Razdan and found that he is a neurologist from Jammu and Kashmir and is an expert in his field. The person in the video does not look like Sushil Razdan. 

Below is the real and the viral image of the doctor. 

Then we looked up Dr Zarir Udwadia and found out that he is a chest physician in various Mumbai based hospitals. 

We also found a tweet by IANS where they tweeted a photo of Dr Sushil Razdan with a caption, "panic associated with more and more Covid cases coming to light is unfounded because 99 per cent of the infected people will always recover and be able to lead a normal life." 

Further, we also found several reports and videos by various Kashmiri online media outlets where the doctor has clarified the viral claim and strictly mentioned that the man in the video is not him. 

RJ Nasir, a media personality from Jammu & Kashmir, went live on Facebook with Dr Sushil Razdan about the claim. 

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About Ginger Powder Theory:

According to The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine, ginger cannot prevent or cure Covid-19. In the report, it mentions that drinking ginger tea or ginger powder, ginger capsules will not prevent or fight against Covid-19. There is some evidence that ginger can cure nausea, but combining ginger or taking ginger separately will not cure Covid-19. It further adds, viral infections spread in our body when the virus enters our cells and makes copies of itself and then those copies enter new cells and repeat the process. Ginger will not destroy the virus in our body or stop the copying process. There is no evidence that ginger or other dietary supplements can "boost" or "supercharge" your immune system to protect you from infections. There are no foods, drinks, or supplements that will protect you from COVID-19.

Image credits- The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine

Regarding the claim that dry ginger is highly alkaline and has a high PH-Value, we found a Health Desk that provides rapid responses and information to journalists regarding Covid-19 topics. According to the report, eating more or less alkaline food is not related to curing the risk of Covid-19. Viruses themselves do not have pH levels because they are not water-based solutions. Viruses are not water-based; the pH scale does not apply to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the disease that causes COVID-19.

Image credits- Health Desk 


There is no scientific reason that ginger powder can cure or decrease the risk of Covid-19. However, Ginger powder help cure nausea to some extent. We could not find the actual name of the person in the viral video, but the claim that the said person is Dr Sushil Razdan or Dr Zarir Udwadia is false. 

Also, Read- Did SPG Accidently Kill A Beggar In 1986 To Save Then PM Rajiv Gandhi? No, Viral Story Is Fabricated

ContributorsSuggest Correction
Writer : Shriya Handoo
Editor : Bharat Nayak
Creatives : Shriya Handoo