Viral Video Showing Harassment Faced By Woman In Bengaluru Is Actually A Video From Malaysia

A video is being circulated widely over the social media in the recent times. It is being alleged that the video is of a woman from Bengaluru. In the video, a woman who seems to be in great distress tells how she was harassed by a group of men. She further goes on to narrate how the police refused to take proper action against the culprits even when she complained.

Many unassuming people went on to share this video saying that the incident happened in Bengaluru. The video was shared with caption pointing to the dismal state of law and order in Karnataka.

However, it turns out that this a two-month-old video and the incident happened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and not Bengaluru as claimed. Few people raised doubts because of the plate number and the emergency number which the lady mentions in the video.

As reported by AltNews, further investigation into the matter revealed that this video is indeed of March, 2018 and the incident is of Malaysia. The woman in the video is an entrepreneur from Kuala Lumpur who recounts the incident of harassment by unidentified men and the subsequent negligence shown by the police officials.

The Sun Daily

On May 8, the Bengaluru Police also clarified the same from their Twitter and Facebook profile. “As the vehicle and the emergency numbers are revealed, this video does not belong either to our state or our country.”

The Logical Indian take

Karnataka elections are going to be held on May 12. This circulation of video with a wrong pretext looks like an attempt to incorrectly influence the public against a particular party or a candidate. People sharing any information which has the potential to impact public opinion should do so only after proper research about the authenticity of the information.

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Editor : The Logical Indian