Dhara Ladhad‎: 'This Is How People At Micromax Service Center Treat Its Customers'

Voice Of Consumer : Dhara Ladhad uploaded this video on 11th May 2015

Name-calling, mudslinging, inappropriate tones and gestures, is that what we have reduced to? This video shows equally uncivil tones being used by a Micromax employee and the customer at the Micromax service centre. We do not yet know the cause of this outburst, but it is disheartening to see basic manners being lost to such an extent. True, customers can get annoying at times, but misbehaving is just not the answer to that. It is the duty of a company employee to help the customers and solve their queries. As for the customers, the employees are also human, and it doesn’t take a lot to be polite unless provoked.

Here, a customer seems to be in distress about the treatment meted out to her, and The Logical Indian community would request Micromax to look into the matter, while at the same time, asking everyone to observe basic levels of courtesy.

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