70 Years Since Independence, But Is India Really Free?


  • One of the only five nations to send unmanned mission to the moon (Science)
  • Among the largest producer of grains and pulses (Agriculture)
  • Has one of the largest road network and second largest airport (Infrastructure)
  • Elected a woman as Speaker and the President (Women Empowerment)
  • Where literacy rate has increased from 12.2 % to 74.04% (Education)
  • A country which is now declared a polio-free (Healthcare)
  • INDIA has achieved so much since 70 years of Independence

Yet, even after 70 years of independence,

  • 1/3rd of the world’s hungry population are Indians.
  • Over 20 crore Indians sleep hungry every night.
  • Over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day, Over 25 lakh Indians die of hunger every year.
  •  46% of all children are malnourished, and 70% of the women suffer from anaemia.
  • Today, India has the highest number of undernourished people in the world.

Hunger is crippling our country. While some parts of the country witness massive food festivals, carnivals with exquisite cuisines being served from all around the world, nearly half of Indian children under the age of 5 are dying because of hunger and malnutrition. While some parts of the country talk about making our borders safer, our smartphones better, our roads wider, there are more than 20 crore Indians who are sleeping hungry every night. Ensuring three proper meals a day is still a battle millions have to fight for. Lack of access to food for a man / women and their families makes people desperate and stops them from having any dreams, hopes. This not only affects the lives of the people going hungry but also the country’s education system and our economy.

We cannot live like this forever. When there is no food, there is no hope. But Hunger and malnutrition are 100 percent preventable. There is enough food to feed every man, woman, child, and baby in our country. With efforts from the government, private enterprises, social sector and the community together, hunger can be solved. People need to take this into their own hands. Joining events, feeding programs, volunteering and supporting organizations that solve Hunger can help us achieve the world where every family has access to basic food. A recent movement to achieve Zero Hunger is the #BeAHungerHero movement.

What is the #BeAHungerHero global movement?

 People from all countries around the world, irrespective of their age, religion, gender, caste, etc. are coming out to donate a meal wherever they are and to whoever they feel is in need. The aim of the movement is to make sure that the ten days surrounding the World Food Day, no underprivileged person around us sleeps hungry. True, sometimes we can’t feed a thousand people, but we can at least feed the ones around us. You can participate in the movement here. Raise your voice, take action and share your story with the world by uploading your picture with the hashtag #BeAHungerHero #ZeroHunger and motivate others to do it.

We haven’t been able to solve hunger yet. But if we contribute together, we might just!

Movement page on facebook – https://www.facebook.com/events/189827778093515/

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Editor : The Logical Indian