Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has launched a new “Cashless Treatment” scheme aimed at providing immediate medical support to road accident victims across India. Under this initiative, the government will cover treatment costs of up to Rs 1.5 lakh for the first seven days, provided the police are notified within 24 hours of the incident. Additionally, families of deceased victims in hit-and-run cases will receive an ex-gratia payment of Rs 2 lakh. The scheme is set to expand nationwide by March 2025, following a successful pilot programme in select states.
Immediate Support for Accident Victims
The “Cashless Treatment” scheme is designed to ensure that road accident victims receive timely medical care without the burden of upfront costs. Gadkari emphasized that the initiative is part of a broader effort to improve road safety, citing alarming statistics that indicate approximately 1.8 lakh fatalities occurred in road accidents in 2024 alone. “We have started a new scheme – Cashless Treatment.
Immediately after an accident occurs, within 24 hours, when the information goes to the Police, we will provide expenses for seven-day treatment,” Gadkari stated during a press conference.
To facilitate this process, the scheme outlines several key steps:
- Immediate Reporting: Victims or bystanders must report the accident to local police within 24 hours.
- Treatment Authorization: Upon notification, police will provide necessary documentation to hospitals to initiate cashless treatment.
- Hospital Coordination: Participating hospitals will be required to register with the National Health Authority (NHA) and adhere to guidelines for cashless transactions.
- Financial Coverage: The government will cover treatment costs up to Rs 1.5 lakh for the first seven days, ensuring that victims receive critical care without delay.
- Ex-gratia Payments: In cases of hit-and-run incidents leading to death, families will receive an ex-gratia payment of Rs 2 lakh to assist with funeral and related expenses.
The National Health Authority will oversee the implementation of this scheme, coordinating with police and hospitals to facilitate cashless transactions.
Background and Expansion Plans
This initiative builds on a pilot programme launched in March 2024 in Chandigarh, which aimed to create an efficient system for providing medical assistance during critical moments post-accident. Currently active in several states including Assam and Punjab, the pilot has already benefitted over 6,800 individuals.
The government plans to refine and expand this programme nationwide by March 2025, enhancing its reach and effectiveness in addressing road safety concerns. Gadkari also announced additional measures to improve vehicle safety standards, including mandatory technology upgrades for buses and trucks.
Future Steps and Road Safety Initiatives
In addition to the “Cashless Treatment” scheme, Gadkari highlighted ongoing efforts to enhance overall road safety through various initiatives:
- Awareness Campaigns: The government plans to launch awareness campaigns focusing on safe driving practices and the importance of reporting accidents promptly.
- Improved Infrastructure: Investments in better road infrastructure and signage are being prioritized to reduce accidents.
- Vehicle Safety Standards: Stricter regulations on vehicle safety features are being implemented, particularly for commercial vehicles.
These steps are part of a comprehensive strategy aimed at reducing road fatalities and improving emergency response systems across India.
The Logical Indian’s Perspective
The introduction of the “Cashless Treatment” scheme represents a significant step towards ensuring that road accident victims receive prompt medical attention without financial hindrance. This initiative not only underscores the government’s commitment to enhancing road safety but also reflects a compassionate approach towards victims and their families during distressing times. As we strive for a society that prioritises empathy and support for those in need, how can we further advocate for improved safety measures on our roads? Your thoughts and comments are welcome!