Each one of us in some way or the other is responsible for harassing the environment which has subsequently decimated global wildlife. A recent report by the conservation group World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has made tragic revelations. The report points out that from 1970 to 2014 humanity has wiped out almost 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles. The report is a warning that signifies that humanity’s expanding greed for resources would suffice the extension of the wildlife.
According to The Guardian, on Tuesday, the WWF presented the report- ‘The Living Planet Index’– which has presented the major massacre of wildlife done in the hands of the human in so many years. The report is produced by the world’s foremost experts involving 59 scientists from all across the globe.
The revelations
The report based on the ongoing survey of more than 4,000 species spread over 16,700 populations suggest that that situation is terrible right now and it is getting worse with the increase in our unbridled consumption.
In fact, the report says that in the last 50 years the Ecological Footprint has increased by a staggering 190%. Ecological Footprint refers to the measure of consumption of natural resources.

“ We are sleepwalking towards the edge of a cliff,” said executive director of science and conservation at WWF, Mike Barrett. While explaining the 60% decline in the animal population, he said that if there would be a decline of 60% in the human population that it would wipe out North America, South America, Africa, Europe, China and Oceania.
He says that nature is not just nice to have it is our life-support system. Another point that the WWF suggested that the freshwater fauna animals are also suffering in the crisis, as they are dying out at an alarming rate of 80 per cent, as reported by News18. In Latin America alone the loss of wildlife has been 90 per cent for the same period.
The sixth mass extinction
Over the period of many years, there is an evident proof of extinction of many wildlife creatures. Many of the scientists believe the world is on the verge of witnessing a sixth mass extinction; which will be the first to be triggered by the lethal species- Humans. Holding the mirror of truth, the WWF has also pointed out, in its May report, that the humankind has already destroyed 83% of all mammal since the dawn of civilisation. It also said that half of the plant population since the start of our civilisation has been wiped out. Suggesting that the damage is almost irrevocable, the WWF said that even if the destruction is stopped right away, it would probably take nearly 5-7 million to recover on its own. Barrett further said that four years ago the decline was at a 52% rate however it has seen an increase over the time taking it to 60%.
Calling the wildlife and the ecosystem “vital to human life”, the current chairman of an intergovernmental panel on biodiversity and world’s most eminent environmental scientists said, “destruction of nature is as dangerous as climate change.”
According to The Guardian, one of the significant reason for the destruction of wildlife is the increase in the farmland. The report says that almost three-quarters of all the land on the earth are now in some or the other way is affected by humans and their activities. It was reported that possibly killing for food would be one of the biggest causes for the extension of wildlife. It also says that almost 301 mammal species are at the risk of getting extinct due to being hunted for food.
“A healthy, sustainable future for all is only possible on a planet where nature thrives and forests, oceans and rivers are teeming with biodiversity and life,” said WWF International director general Marco Lambertini to AFP.
Also Read: Earth Is Moving Towards Its Biggest Mass Extinction Since The Dinosaurs: Scientists