An extremely shocking video aired by a local TV channel showed party workers stuffing pigeons in cones, which were then tied to fire-cracker rockets and launched. Allegedly, the workers belonged to the Congress party and the event was organised during the visit of state Congress chief N Raghuveera Reddy.
The incident took place on Saturday at Kovvuru in West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. The idea was to make an impressive display of the pigeons flying off after the rockets burst in the air. But, reportedly, the pigeons fell dead with their wings roasted in the heat of explosion after the rockets burst high up. However, the police claim that the birds flew away as the rockets exploded in the air.
At least two pigeons were abused and ‘launched’ in the process. The police have reportedly registered a case under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and are studying the video footage.
These kind of bizarre welcome gesture for Indian politician is quite common in India. Now, it is time that action must be taken against politicians also.