Marathi Film Court, which won the National Award for Best Feature Film this March, was selected as India’s official entry for the Oscars. The movie will now represent the country in the Best Foreign Film category at the Academy Awards. The winner will be announced in February.
Director Chaitanya Tamhane’s film made on a low budget of Rs 3.5 crore won over film like “PK”, “Masaan”, “Mary Kom”, “Haider”, “Kaaka Muttai”, “Baahubali” and “Kuttram Kadithal”. This year, the 17-member jury to choose the entry was headed by veteran actor-filmmaker Amol Palekar.
The movie which is made on a a shoestring budget of Rs 3.5 crore is in English, Marathi, Hindi, and Gujarati and has won 18 international awards.
The movie is about a trial of a folk singer accused of performing an inflammatory song that may have incited a sewage worker to commit suicide in a manhole to expose the flaws of the Indian judicial system.
The Logical Indian community congratulates the crew behind the movie and we are glad that movie that are based on real life stories are now getting acknowledge.