
Guwahati’s Eco-Warrior: Cyclist Mark 509th Consecutive Day of Planting Saplings Everyday

Kaushik Guha, a resident of Rehabari in Guwahati, is a passionate advocate for the environment. and a healthier lifestyle. He has planted a sapling daily for the past 509 days, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to a sustainable future.

In yet another inspiring story of environmental activism, a resident of Guwahati’s Rehabari has taken it upon himself to make a difference. Kaushik Guha, 40, is driven to make his hometown greener.

Guha, a marketing manager by profession but a cyclist at heart, is on a quest to ride his bicycle around Guwahati and plant a sapling daily for the welfare of his city and future generations.

A recent Facebook post by Cyclo-a-plant reported that he had achieved a monumental feat by completing 509 plantation drives as of May 24th, 2023.

Guha was inspired to take action after seeing how quickly the tree cover in his home city of Guwahati was disappearing. He wanted to do his part to mitigate the negative consequences of tree cutting.

He picked the bicycle as his way of communication while touring throughout the city, seeking spots to plant a seedling. He is also a fitness fanatic. So he gets on his cycle daily and goes to a nursery to buy a sapling, then rides to a location where the sapling may be carefully planted.

‘Plant A Seedling Everyday’

Guha says, “If we don’t plant trees and if we don’t save our trees now and for the Future, we will suffer without water, without rain, and extremely hot weather.”

While his goal is to plant a seedling every day, his ambition goes beyond that. Guha tries to interact with local communities to promote the benefits of cycling.

He believes that if young people start riding bicycles, we will have a cleaner environment and a healthier, more active generation. Guha regretted the lack of resources for his goal, which has prevented him from providing a safety fence around the seedlings.

However, the locals have been immensely helpful in caring for the plants in any way they can.

He has also received support from his family and friends, who have accompanied him on rides and helped him buy and plant seedlings.

Friends also assisted him in creating the Cyclo-a-plant Facebook page, where images are posted daily to record his progress.

Guha continues to cycle to new areas every day and plant a seedling. He is gradually being joined by other environmentalists, cyclists, and common Guwahatians who want to support his goal.

Also Read: Recycled Plastic Is More Toxic Than Original Parts, Can Lead To Microplastic Pollution: Greenpeace


2023-05-26 10:57:52.0

Guwahati’s Eco-Warrior: Cyclist Mark 509th Consecutive Day of Planting Saplings Everyday

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