As many as eight peacocks were found dead in Uttar Pradesh’s Bijnor district on Monday, 18th November, in the Shadipur village of the district. Many were also found unconscious in the village field.
Police and the forest officials took over the case. Poisoning was suspected to be the reason behind the death of the peacocks. The post mortem report revealed that the birds had digested a red-colored fruit which is often found in wild bushes and wheat grains.
The excessive use of pesticides that are sprayed by farmers in the fields may have been the reason behind the death of the birds.
However, the autopsy report did not specify the exact cause of their deaths.
“We have collected the samples and will send them to the IVRI laboratory for testing to find the exact cause of the birds’ death. All the birds were found in the same field,” India TV quoted Divisional forest officer (DFO) M Semmaran as saying.
Last year, six peacocks were found dead in Amroha district. While the exact cause of the death could not be ascertained, sub-divisional forest officer AK Singh had said that the incessant spraying of pesticides and insecticides in the mango orchards could have been the possible cause.
Also Read: Over 1500 Migratory Birds Found Dead Around Sambhar Lake, Botulism Suspected To Be The Cause