Hyderabad Man Fined Rs 62,000 For Cutting Old Neem Tree After Class VIII Boy Alerts Officials

Image Credits: India Today, Pixabay

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Hyderabad Man Fined Rs 62,000 For Cutting Old Neem Tree After Class VIII Boy Alerts Officials

Telangana Forest Department imposed ₹62,075 fine on a 40-year-old Hyderabad man who cut down a neem tree after a class 8 boy in alerted them.

Telangana Forest Department imposed ₹62,075 fine on a 40-year-old Hyderbad man who cut down a neem tree after a class 8 boy alerted them about the incident.

The forest officials fined G Santhosh Reddy for cutting the tree at the construction site of his new house, reported India Today.

After the boy noticed that the neem tree had been axed on Monday morning, he rang up the Forest Department's toll-free number 1800 425 5364.

While he was on a call with the forest officials, he identified himself as a 'Green Brigadier' and requested them to take action against those responsible for cutting the tree.

Once the officials received the information, they started inquiring about those involved in the axing of the tree. It was revealed to them upon inquiry that the man had not taken prior permission to cut the tree. The man eventually paid a heavy price for it.

"At 4 am, the boy called our toll-free number and informed that a chopped tree was being loaded into a vehicle to be moved away. The boy apparently woke up after hearing the noise," The New Indian Express quoted Officer Ch Venkataiah Goud as saying.

The forest department officials thanked the boy for acting responsibly and alerting them about the incident.

Under the Ku Haritha Haram programme, the Telangana government had directed schools to create 'Green Brigades'. With this programme, the students and teachers would act as members of the Brigade and protect the saplings planted as part of the scheme.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Ankita Singh
Editor : Shubhendu Deshmukh
Creatives : Rajath

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