A 20-year-old Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) aspirant, Abhishek from Madhya Pradesh, allegedly died by suicide in Kota on January 8, 2025, marking the second such incident within 24 hours. Earlier, a 19-year-old student from Haryana, Neeraj, was found dead in his hostel room. Both cases have raised significant concerns regarding the mental health of students in this coaching hub. Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding these tragic events, with no suicide notes found in either case.
Tragic Losses in Kota’s Coaching Hub
Abhishek was discovered hanging from a ceiling fan in his paying guest accommodation located in the Dakaniya area of Kota. He had been preparing for the JEE for several months and was reportedly in good spirits prior to his death. The police confirmed that the hostel staff found him unresponsive after repeated knocks went unanswered. Similarly, Neeraj Jat, who had been studying in Kota for two years, was found hanging in his hostel room just a day earlier. His father expressed disbelief over his son’s suicide, stating that their last conversation indicated he was well and focused on his studies. Both families are now grappling with the devastating loss of their young sons, raising questions about the pressures faced by students in this competitive environment.
A Growing Concern
These recent suicides highlight an alarming trend in Kota, a city renowned as a coaching hub for engineering aspirants. In 2024 alone, there were 17 reported suicides among students in this area, prompting local authorities and educational institutions to reassess their mental health support systems. The intense pressure to excel academically can lead to overwhelming stress and anxiety among students, who often feel isolated and unsupported. Authorities are now under pressure to address these mental health issues proactively and provide better support systems for students. The local police have initiated investigations into both cases, seeking to understand the underlying factors contributing to these tragedies and whether any systemic issues within coaching institutions may be at play.
Community Response and Calls for Action
In light of these incidents, local activists and mental health professionals are calling for immediate reforms within coaching centres to prioritise student well-being. Many are advocating for regular mental health assessments and counselling services to be integrated into the academic framework. Parents and educators alike are urged to foster open conversations about mental health and stress management strategies. Additionally, community outreach programs aimed at building resilience among students could play a vital role in preventing such tragedies in the future.
The Logical Indian’s Perspective
These heartbreaking incidents underscore the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to student mental health and well-being. As a society, we must foster an environment of empathy and support for our youth, particularly those facing immense academic pressures. It is crucial to encourage open dialogues about mental health and provide resources that promote resilience and coping strategies among students. How can we collectively work towards creating a more supportive atmosphere for our aspiring youth? Engaging with this question is essential as we seek solutions that not only address immediate concerns but also pave the way for long-term change in our educational systems.