Diwali has always been the festival of lights. Lately, it has become the festival of sound too. Unfortunately, the ones affected most due to this can’t voice their discomfort. Fortunately, the message has been spread far and wide with this video which shows how a little girl takes action to protect her pet and others from noise.
Dogs and other animals feel extremely scared with the crackers going off around them. As the Diwali celebration reaches its peak, life is not too good for these voiceless souls. If you want to burst crackers, take proper measures to make your pets comfortable. Please make sure you keep your pet indoors during Diwali with all windows and doors closed. Try to keep your pet engaged. You can play soothing music in the room to minimize the effect of the noise.
This one minute film by Reliance Fresh tries to talk about a usually ignored aspect during our Diwali celebrations and its beautiful.
Wish you a #DildaarDiwali.