My brother has Down’s syndrome, but in his head he’s as normal as everyone else- It’s society’s reaction towards him or some of the things he does which makes him believe otherwise. If he meets you, he’ll become your friend and hug you…express his love for you; but so many people have frowned upon that. I don’t know when people will understand that he’s ‘special’ not ‘retarded’.
Just the other day we were at our gym and he was working out like any of us, but because he dropped something this woman turned around and said ‘who let this mad man into the gym?’ He had absolutely no reaction until my sister and I fought with that woman. That’s when he started crying because he thought he had gotten us into trouble. That’s the kind of person he is – he loves selflessly without expecting anything in return. His happiness doesn’t depend on anything materialistic but only on the love he gets and returns 10 folds…and that’s something us ‘normal’ people can definitely learn from him.
Via Humans of Bombay