In a bizarre incident which took place in Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal district on October 12, a policeman mimicked gunshot noises during an encounter of a wanted criminal. The incident was caught on camera and a video of it was released by ANI which was shared widely on account of its absurdity. However, according to The Times Of India, UP police has decided to recognise the “valour” of the police officer and hailed his “act of bravery.”
Reportedly, his name has been recommended for a commendation disk and a certificate from the DGP. SP of Sambhal, Yamuna Prasad said, “…SI Manoj Kumar, was hailed as a hero…. In a police engagement, the SI didn’t quit… after his pistol choked. He started shouting encouraging words for his colleagues…”
The incident
The police were chasing Rukhsar, a wanted criminal with a reward of Rs 25,000 on his head, in Sambhal district, about 370 km away from the state capital, Lucknow. Reportedly, Rukhsar was shot in the leg and he hid in a sugarcane field where he was surrounded by the police. Meanwhile, Sub-Inspector Manoj Kumar, who was part of the team, found his service weapon to be jammed.
#WATCH: Police personnel shouts ‘thain thain’ to scare criminals during an encounter in Sambhal after his revolver got jammed. ASP says, ‘words like ‘maaro & ghero’ are said to create mental pressure on criminals. Cartridges being stuck in revolver is a technical fault’. (12.10)
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) October 13, 2018
Upon realising that his pistol isn’t working, he shouted, “maaro maaro ghero ghero thain thain”, apparently in order to “create mental pressure” on the criminal.
As reported by NDTV, a senior official told ANI, “This was due to a technical glitch of the weapon that the officer was carrying, such things are not new and may happen at times. With regard to the cop shouting, it is a tact to deal with criminals mentally and create pressure on them to surrender.”
Reportedly, the criminal was successfully captured by the police while one police personnel was injured in the altercation.
The Logical Indian Take
Perhaps, it is unfair to criticise mercilessly the SI in question considering that most of the criticism is coming from people who have never faced a pressure situation like an ongoing encounter. However, the apparent absurdity is there for everyone to see. Moreover, the UP Police’s decision to honour the policeman is baffling. For an incident which has generated widespread ridicule, it is indeed strange to legitimise it as a standard practice and even as “an act of bravery”.
Also Read: UP: 8 Months On, 27-Yr-Old Gym Trainer Who Was Shot In An ‘Encounter’ Awaits Compensation & Justice