#WomensDay2016: I Am A Woman & I Choose To Be Strong
8 March 2016 2:17 PM GMT
“In today’s world where women are walking shoulder to shoulder with men whether it comes to corporate jobs, sports or managing daily things. It becomes important that today’s women must have the physical strength to carry out the work they had set out to do. Your age must not keep yourself away from trying something new in life, be it learning a new form of dance, running a marathon or starting up your own business. After the age of 30, the bones of women may become weak and every women must ensure that it doesn’t become a reason for them to slow down in their life. Taking care of bone’s health is as important as taking care of skin, hair and weight because it is the core that holds us strong..
Make your bone strong and be the part of the movement #StrongToTheBone“