United Nation General Assembly Adopts A Road Safety Resolution, Read To Know
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United Nation General Assembly Adopts A Road Safety Resolution, Read To Know

Road crashes
Road crashes are tragic, but what’s horrific is, road crashes are pretty common and ends hopeful lives in a few seconds. The victims of road crashes include children, adults and elderly. Most of the victims of road crashes are healthy citizens whose life got to an abrupt halt. Lack of proper roads, improper implementation of traffic rules, over speeding vehicles and many more reasons contribute to road accidents. In the last decade, road crashes have killed over 12 lakh people and 1.5 lakh people in 2014 alone.

The United Nations have drafted a resolution to prevent road crashes and India has to enact laws that will save citizens lives from ending abruptly in a horrific number. The number of people who die of road crashes is way too high and barely gets any media attention. India is yet to pass the Road Transport and Safety Bill in the Parliament.
It is not wise to differentiate death, death by any means is a tragedy which has to be avoided at any cost. But, due to various reasons, only death by some means earns our curiosity and sympathy. Let us put it in perspective the number of people of who die due to the road crashes in terms of other means of death.
1.) More people die in road crashes every year than of HIV.
2.) If the number of people who die in road crashes is put in terms of a Boeing 747 crash, there would 747 crash everyday.
3.) India has lost 14 times more people in road crashes than the number of people died in all the wars put together.

United Nations resolution

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a road safety resolution calling on nations to adopt, implement and enforce road safety policies. This resolution is in addition to the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and the Sustainable Development Goals – all urging nations to take the necessary action to reduce road crash deaths by 50 percent by 2030.

The Logical Indian appeals to the government to pass the road transport safety bill and fulfill the goals set by the United Nations. We urge our community members to support safer roads for India by writing to Prime Minister Narender Modi, please visit www.roadsafetyatrisk.in.

We lose too many young lives due to road crashes, let’s take a resolution to follow the rules and drive safely for our own good and for the good of others besides let’s not lose any more of our country men and women in such a tragic way.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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