Govt Launches Portal To Lodge Sexual Harassment At Workplace Complaints By Both Public & Pvt Sector Employees

The Woman and Child Development Ministry, Government of India, has launched a comprehensive SHe-Box online complaint management system for women to lodge complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace – both public and private sector.

“This Act is unique in its broad coverage which includes all women irrespective of their work status, whether working in organised or unorganised, public or private sectors, regardless of hierarchy. The domestic workers are also included within its ambit,” reads the SHe-Box official website.

It was launched in New Delhi to ensure the effective implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Those who have already filed a written complaint with Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) or Local Complaint Committee are also eligible to file a complaint with SHe-Box.

Once a complaint is submitted to the ‘SHe-Box’, it will be directly sent to the concerned authority having jurisdiction to take action into the matter.

How can you file a complaint?

  • For registering complaints through the SHe-Box, a valid email id is required, then complaints be lodged in this tab

  • Once the complaint is submitted, a confirmation message containing a link through which you can use your email id as user id for the account created on SHe-Box and generate a password to view the status of the complaint is sent.

The Resources Section of the SHe-Box contains detailed information on the issue of sexual harassment of women at workplace. It contains the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 along with rules framed thereunder both in Hindi and English language, says the website.

To know more about it click here.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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