Is The NCRB Delaying The Release Of Its Reports?
25 Jan 2018 5:52 AM GMT
The NCRB releases multiple reports annually that provide crime related statistics. Out of the 3 reports published by NCRB annually, two reports for the year 2016 have not yet been released. The delay in the publication of these reports defeat the purpose of compiling them.
The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is an organization under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). It releases data based annual reports on varied subjects related to crime, accidents, prisons etc. Few reports for the year 2016 have not been released yet. Historical data on the month of release of these reports indicates that it is the first time since 2010 where the delay in the release of few reports has crossed 12 months.
The NCRB Reports
The NCRB releases three reports every year and the Central Finger Print Bureau releases the annual finger print in India report.
Release of the CII Report – Improvement since 2004
Release of the ADSI Report – The 2016 report is yet to be released
The Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India (ADSI) report provides data on various accidental deaths & suicides in India. Though the report is being published since 1967, the month of release of this report is only available from the year 1976.
The delay in the release of the ADSI report has been decreasing over the years. On average, the report has been released within 21 months since 1976. Since the year 2005, the report has been released within 9 months on average. Both the 1979 and 1985 reports were released after a gap of 40 months, the highest for any year. Since 2010, the report has been released within 9 months. For the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, the report was released within 6 months while for the years 2014 & 2015, the report was released within 7 months. Curiously, the 2016 report is yet to be released.
Prison Statistics India report – Improvement in the last 6 years
The Prison Statistics India report provides data on all prisons in India, their occupancy, details of the prisoners etc. This report is being published by the NCRB since 1995. Till the year 2004, this report was released within 24 months on average while the average delay went down to 14 months since 2005. In fact, the average gap has reduced to less than 10 months since 2011. The 2016 report is yet to be released.
Delayed reports defeat the purpose
These reports provide an opportunity to governments & other stake holders to review crime and various other statistics. The reports also provide trends, there by pushing governments for relevant corrective action. For instance, the reported number of rape cases increased by over 30% in the year 2013, the year after the Nirbhaya incident in Delhi, possibly because of greater awareness and amendments made to the Criminal Law.
The undue delay in the release of these reports defeats the purpose of compiling them. One had hoped that the NCRB will release these reports within 6 months with the introduction of Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS). But strangely, both the ADSI and the Prison Statistics report for 2016 are not yet released.