You Are Much More Than Just A Body. This Video Show Us What It Means To Be Beautiful In Our Own Ways
8 March 2017 12:04 PM GMT
Yes, I Am Beautiful.
To all our mothers, sisters, daughters and aunts:
You are much more than just a body. You have beliefs, thoughts, hopes, dreams, fears, values, talents, passion and compassion.
It’s a really common feeling… “I have big arms and big thighs, dull skin and scarce hair, a double chin and paunch, bony legs, flat bottom, eye bags and thin lips… that I am too fat or too thin.” But hold back and think for a second – It’s not about having the perfect body or flawless skin. It’s about confidence. It’s about kindness. It’s about love. It’s about your strength. That’s what makes you sparkle and shine. Your health starts from feeling good about yourself… about having a healthy body and a healthy mind.
Beauty is a choice and our feelings are our own creations. So choose to feel beautiful. Choose to feel perfect.
This International Women’s Day, let’s talk about things we don’t always talk about..things we feel uncomfortable about.. things we possibly think about every moment but don’t say out loud.
Let’s talk so we feel better, lighter and more confident.
Let’s talk to help a friend out, help her feel liberated from her own self-doubt. Let’s use our confidence to inspire others. Let’s surround ourselves with people who love us for who we are, not for what we look like.
Let’s raise our children with confidence so they never have to grow up with self-doubt, low esteem and regret about their bodies.
Let’s talk about being beautiful in our own way.
Let’s love ourselves, girls and say it everyday, that, “Yes, I Am Beautiful”