A rape victim from Uttar Pradesh’s Kaushambi area has reportedly written a letter with her blood to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, seeking action against the accused. The victim had claimed that she was raped by a sorcerer (Tantrik baba) and even when she went to the police several times to register her complaint, the police snubbed her and no case was registered against the accused, as he has influential connections.
According to NewsX, the victim has claimed that she is being raped by the ‘tantrik baba’ for the last five years, but when she decided to approach the police, her plea was mercilessly ignored. After which the victim wrote a letter to CM Yogi Adityanath complaining about the injustice meted out to her. In the letter written in her blood, the victim has lamented about the police’s apathy. She added that when she went to the police station, instead of registering a complaint, the cops thrashed her husband.
“Raped when I was unconscious”
In the letter addressed to the CM, the victim has narrated the entire incident stating that in 2013, she started visiting the baba, Ajmal Shah for her treatment. She added that in one of the sessions, the baba drugged and raped her while she was lying unconscious.
Later, the ‘tantrik baba’ started blackmailing her and subsequently, kept raping her for five years. The victim goes on to complain about the Uttar Pradesh’s police ignorance towards her case.
No arrest made so far
After the letter was written to CM Adityanath written by the victim, the matter was highlighted and the police were forced to register a case against the accused. However, no arrests have been made so far.
The Kaushambi police have registered a case against the accused under Section 376, 452 of the IPC. According to the investigation officer, the investigations are underway.
The Logical Indian sympathises with the victim and hopes that the police would take her complaint seriously. Since time immemorial, men have abused their position of power and most of the times women are the victims. This woman, not only did she go through the horrific ordeal of rape for the last five years, her husband was also beaten up by the police. The responsibility of the police is to protect the abuse and not bully them. Strict action should be taken against whoever found guilty.