Pro Planet People

Over 100 Packed Inside Shipping Container On A Truck, Rescued In UP
In an event that will send chills down your spine, over 100 men, women and children were found being transported inside a windowless shipping container

Growing Inequality: Just 928 Households Own 20% Of India’s Wealth
Inequality concerns with the uneven distribution of a commodity in a population. This can be wealth, education, healthcare etc. Inequality is a problem faced by

Rs. 14 Cr. For Canteen Subsidy: If We Can Give Up Our LPG Subsidies, You Should Too.
Mutton curry – Rs.20 Boiled rice – Rs.4 Masala Dosa – Rs.6 Pizza – Rs.20 Chicken sandwich – Rs.6 No, this isn’t a prank. This

Gmail: Google Finally Launches The Long Awaited ‘Undo Send’ Feature
After what seems to have been the longest beta period ever, Google has finally graduated Gmail’s “Undo Send” option from labs into a permanent spot. When you enable

Aam Aadmi Party Spent More Than 1.5 Crore Rupees On A Recent TV Commercial
Image: Huffington Post India Aam Aadmi Party which took pot shots at other political parties for extensively spending tax payers’ money on advertising and promotions

Samsung Working To Make Trucks & Heavy Vehicles ‘Transparent’ To Ensure Road Safety
Back in 2009, Russian design house Art Lebedev introduced the dramatically titled Transparentius concept for improving road safety. It was remarkably simple: put a camera on

Another Attack On Journalism; MP Journalist Burnt To Death By Mining Mafia
The wave of violence against Indian journalists reached a new height yesterday with a journalist from Madhya Pradesh being set on fire and killed. A

Delhi Government To Offer Jobs To Acid Attack Survivors
Delhi government has decided to give suitable government jobs to acid attack survivors and a committee will be formed to look into the issues of

92 Killed After Drinking Tainted Liquor In Mumbai
India’s worst liquor poisoning incident in 4 years claimed the lives of 92 people this week. Additionally, Dozens more have been hospitalized. The victims reportedly

Rs. 1 Lakh Fine Imposed On A Woman For Misusing Law Against Husband
A woman, who is a resident of south Delhi, had recently filed a complaint against her husband and in-laws for domestic violence. Her plea has

Customs Import Duties Exemption For AIDS Drugs, Says Indian Government
In its ongoing efforts to thwart the AIDS epidemic, the Government announced exemption of custom import duties for certain antiretroviral drugs and kits. At least

Yoga “Make In India” – Yoga Mat “Made In China”
The government’s plans for the first International Yoga Day are elaborate and elegant. The national capital is expected to transform into city of colours on
Pro Planet People
- Sustainability
- Action
- Change
Inspiring individuals and initiatives protecting and reviving our planet through climate action, sustainability, and environmental conservation.