Image Source: theguardian
Now, it is going to be harder for few students to learn the periodic table as their science textbooks are going to be updated. Four new elements have been added to the periodic table completing the table’s seventh row.
- Scientists from Russia, America and Japan discovered the four super-heavy chemical elements.
- The four elements were verified by IUPAC(International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) ON 30 December. IUPAC is a global organisation that givers chemical nomenclature, terminology and measurement.
- Russian-U.S. collaboration had attained sufficient evidence to claim the discovery of elements 115, 117 and 118
- Credit for the discovery of element 113 was awarded to the scientists at RIKEN in Wako, Japan.
- Element 113 will be the first element discovered and named by researchers in Asia.
- Like other superheavy elements that populate the end of the periodic table, they only exist for fractions of a second before decaying into other elements.
The IUPAC has now invited the scientists who discovered the elements to propose permanent names and symbols as they are only temporarily recognised as
- Ununtrium, (Uut) – Element 113
- Ununpentium (Uup) – Element 115
- Ununseptium (Uus) – Element 117
- Ununoctium (Uuo) – Element 118