Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers, Sadananda Gowda and Yuva Brigade founder Chakravarti Sulibele landed in a sparring match on Twitter, on Wednesday, over flood relief measure in Karnataka. The twitter row took a dramatic turn when they ended up blocking each other on the social media site later.
The feud spurred social media outrage, where many took to twitter criticizing the incumbent government for their lack of measures to relieve essential supplies for the people affected by the Karnataka flood. They targeted the government using #NotFairModiji and #StopYour ArroganceDVS hashtag.
Sulibele was backed by several Congress ministers who slammed Modi government over the delay in releasing funds for flood-stricken areas.
Hemanth Krishne Gowda, campaign coordinator of the Youth Congress tweeted that PM Modi has no time for the people of Karnataka.
#NotFairModiji became the most trending hashtag on Twitter within an hour after the spat. CM BS Yediyurappa had to intervene in providing explanations of why the funds were delayed.
“There is no need for anyone, whether from our party or others to create any confusion. Relief funds have not been announced to any of the flood-affected states in the country yet,” Yediyurappa said
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi was outside the country, now he has come back, in another two to three days all affected states will get funds,” he said.
Yediyurappa’s assurance came after the opposition parties in the state criticized Modi vehemently, alleging that he has adopted an “indifferent behaviour” towards Karnataka on the issue of extending flood relief funds.
Addressing Other Issues Under #NotFairModiji
After the hashtag gained momentum on social media in no time, people started criticizing the Centre for its economic policies, increasing cases of mob lynchings, and unemployment.
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