Lost Your Money? Dont Worry, We Will Help You: Noida Police Raises Rs 3880 For Elderly Man Suffering From Paralysis
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'Lost Your Money? Don't Worry, We Will Help You': Noida Police Raises Rs 3880 For Elderly Man Suffering From Paralysis

The Noida police personnel received praises on Tuesday, September 3 for helping an elderly man buy his medicines after he lost his bag while travelling to the city.

Around 50 police personnel from Noida’s Knowledge Park police station came forward to raise Rs 3880 to help the Farukkhabad man.

According to a media report the man came to Greater Noida from Farukkhabad and was travelling to Dadri where his treatment was going on. He got down on Pari Chowk in the Knowledge Park area only to realise that his bag was missing. Panicked and worried, the aged man was confused and wandering in the area when the Noida Police found him.

Knowledge Park SHO Arvind Pathak said, “Realising that he had missed his bag which contained money and clothes among some other essentials, he panicked. A police team brought him to the police station around 9 am.”

Seeing his plight, around 50 police personnel on duty including those who were leaving after completing their night shift voluntarily raised Rs 3,880 and gave it the man. The police calmed the elderly man and offered him breakfast after which he left for Dadri.

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Editor : Shubhendu Deshmukh

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