Audacious remarks Madhu Mishra, the chief of BJP’s Uttar Pradesh women’s wing Mahila Morcha was expelled from the party for six years on April 4, for her controversial remark on lower caste people. At a public gathering in Aligarh, Mishra addressed the crowd saying, “people who once used to polish your shoes are now ruling you, thanks to the Constitution. This has happened because there is no unity is us. We are a divided lot.” Soon after the remarks, BJP decided to take firm action against her. State party president Laxmikant Vajpayee expelled her from the party. However, Mishra stood by her statement and said that she did not intend to hurt anyone.
A common responsibility of all political parties Even as large sections of people are putting a brave fight in bringing together the fissures in the society that was created due to caste and religion, statements like these come not only as a shock but also as a setback. The Dalits, Adivasis, and minority communities still face a lot of discrimination and exclusion. Political parties across the board have a common responsibility to bring together people from all castes and religion and not divide on the basis of the same.
UP chief of BJP’s women wing Madhu Misra says those who were cleaning our shoes are ruling us @abpnewstv @BJP4India
— Pankaj Jha (@pankajjha_) April 4, 2016
The Logical Indian appreciate’s BJP’s decision to expel Madhu Mishra from the party. But it is still tough to understand why such a regressive person was given a high position in the party and an opportunity to take the podium. We urge the government to take necessary steps against any person who make such hateful statements like this in the future. Let us end the menace of condescending and hate speeches and strive to build a society based on unity and mutual respect. May unity and mutual respect be a cornerstone of definition of being Indian.