Flipkart Offers Rs 50,000 Allowance, Leave Benefits for Staff Who Adopt Kids.

Flipkart Offers Rs 50,000 Allowance, Leave Benefits for Staff Who Adopt Kids.

After launching better maternity benefits earlier this month, the e-commerce giant, Flipkart has moved several steps ahead and now rolled out another employee-friendly measure. In an appreciative step that can set a trend, Flipkart has announced adoption allowance to employees.


It is the first time in our country that a company has given such kind of offer. The allowance would be of Rs 50,000 to those employees who adopt kids, “to use towards legal, agency, regulatory costs or any other expenses that may arise during the adoption process”.

For women who will adopt a child under the age of 1 year can avail full 6-month long maternity leave.

We applaud Flipkart for coming up with the progressive initiative.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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