
Nana Patekar Donates Rs 15000 Each To Families Of 62 Farmers Who Committed Suicide
News Source : ABP Manjha,IndiaToday |Image Source : huffpost rediff When all the state machinery failed to address the grave issue of farmer suicide, guess who

Tall Claims Of Our Unofficial Economics Experts Leave The Official Experts Far Behind
In the past two months we have witnessed several economic crises which have had ripple effects on global economy – Greece’s debt crisis, China devaluing

Jasleen Kaur Case: Dear Media, How Responsible Is It To Publicly Shame A Person Without Verifying The Facts?
On 24th August, Jasleen Kaur posted a photo of a man stating that he passed lewd comments on her and also dared her to go ahead

Bus Driver Did Not Hesitate To Get Off And Help An Old Woman Cross The Road
News & Image Source : tnp Mr Mohamad Farif, 27, was about to drive off, he noticed in his right side-view mirror that there

Blood Banks In Gujarat Sold Blood To Pharma Companies For Crores, Says CAG Report
Originally published on Scroll | Reported By Rakesh Bhatnagar Image Source: tekamulaz Profit can be thicker than blood, at least in Gujarat. A Comptroller and Auditor General

Son Of A Pune Bhel Vendor Cleared CA In First Attempt
Source : rediff | Image Courtesy : iamin The group of students preparing for the final exam of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Meet Maharashtra’s ‘Mountain Man’ Who Cut 7 Hills In 57 Years To Build 40Km Roads
Image Source: Rediff, timesofindia In the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, resides another ‘Mountain Man’, who like the more famous Dashrath Manjhi, took on the task of

A Professor’s Struggle Against Corruption In The University Of Madras
By Sibi Arasu [Twitter: @sibi123] , Chennai, sibiarasu Image Source: srilanka If the recent goings on in University of Madras is any indication, teachers who stand

India Will Endure : Whatever May Be The Difficulties
Image Source: techicy We just celebrated our 70th Independence Day. On Aug 15, 1947, at the stroke of midnight hour, India became free. But only from

Meet Economics Graduate Beggar Who Buys Books For Underprivileged Children
News: newindianexpress | Image Source: maierandmaierphotography Life is not about what you have but what you can give and make a change in someone’s life. And there

Struggle Is A Part Of Life: Situation Brings This Rickshaw Puller To Carry His Baby While Work
Source : speakingtree | Image Courtesy : bbci He takes his little angel to work because there is no-one available to look after her since

Prakash Amte, Flicker Of Hope And Inspiration To Hundreds.
Image: flickr Dr. Prakash Amte is a man with a plan. A doctor by profession, he has dedicated his life to contribute for the wellness
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