
9-Year-Old Boy Made A Boat From Waste Material
Source and Image: Themedots We do hear from our elders and teachers in schools that waste materials should be recycled but we hardly pay

Pawan Sharma: Playing The Wild Card
This story is a part of the ongoing Mumbai Heroes initiative by Mumbai Mirror. If you know someone who is in Mumbai and is

This 17 Year Old Bridged The Dreams, Kids Don’t Have To Walk Through Sewage To Get To School Anymore
Image Courtesy: Mumbai Mirror , Thumbnail: NDTV This story is a part of the ongoing Mumbai Heroes initiative by Mumbai Mirror. If you know

Hailing From Rural India, Paving Way For New Era Of Electronics In World’s Finest Institute
News Source: The Times Of India | Image Source: YuvaDesh Here we come across the case of another school dropout who paved the way for new

A Conversation Between Two Babies Inside A Mother’s Womb
Image Source: thinkatheist | Útmutató a Léleknek In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”

My Story: “Please Don’t Make Him Feel Like a Beggar”
Source: Vikas Sharda’s Profile I saw this boy sitting on the pavement outside Noida city centre metro station deeply engrossed in his books. He had

Video: How Do You Define Yourself?
In a time when beauty is defined by supermodels, success is defined by wealth, and fame is deified by how many followers you have on

Video: The Syrian Refugee Crisis Explained With A Simple Animation & Video
Video Source: In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt | Image Source: Wikipedia Why is the refugee crisis all over the news? How is this related to

Not Only Poverty She Fought Against Naxalism Too And Reached IIT
Source : Anand Kumar When all odds are against you: When you get a stomach-full of food only on festivals, how can you think of

Miracles Do Happen In Our Daily Life
Source : Sabari Giri Vasan S “On 8th Aug 2015, around 6.30 am, an uneducated single mother with her daughter were in Anna University Campus

Parents Are Annoying? A Video So Worth, You Can’t Resist Sharing
“You may not have your father’s qualities but you will never have his weaknesses” A real-life example to emulate for all fathers and children. There

Conversation Between A Major And A Nurse
Source : Deepak Chandan’s Profile | Image Courtesy : twimg The on-duty nurse took the anxious young Major to the bedside. “Your son is
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