There Is No Such Thing As The Right Time, And Its Never Too Late To Do Anything

There Is No Such Thing As The Right Time, And It's Never Too Late To Do Anything

Via- Humans of Bombay

“At 12, my mother pulled me out of school so that she could move to Kuwait for a job and I could take care of my younger siblings back here in Bombay. She’s promised to send money but that never happened, so I learnt young that I would have to make money to survive – I did odd jobs, cleaned houses and took care of my sisters.

At 21, I moved to Kuwait myself to work with an Arab family and with that money educated my sisters. I thought I was too young to be taken seriously, but I worked there for 8 years! I moved to Bahrain and Egypt after and before I realized I was 40 years old! I’d spent my life working without a man by my side, but Father told me that it was never too late–and he was right. I fell in love and got married at the age of 40.

After he passed away a few years ago, I resumed cleaning houses for a living. While cleaning a house in Bombay I came across a teacher who couldn’t pay me what I usually charge but promised to teach me in return– I was besides myself with excitement! Can you imagine…at 55 I was sitting for hours completing my homework and trying to read and write? So if I really had to tell you what my experience of 60 years has taught me, and could you please put this in bold… THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS THE RIGHT TIME, AND IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO DO ANYTHING.”

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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