My Story:My Parents Have Always Encouraged Me To Pursue My Passion For Art Despite My Disability
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My Story:'My Parents Have Always Encouraged Me To Pursue My Passion For Art Despite My Disability'

Sriharsha Shukla has hearing impairment. Although he has been an artist for 33 years. Collage creation found a special place in his life and it got recognition not just in India but other countries as well. He also teaches in art schol.

I was born mute and deaf from an early age. I immersed myself in the world of art. My disability never hindered my creative spirit. I experimented with various mediums, including oil paints, watercolours, acrylic paints, and collages, but creating collages became my favourite. My collage art has gained recognition and awards not just in India, but in other countries as well. Along with creating breathtaking artwork, I also teach art at a school to share my talents with others.

My training in Patachitra, a traditional cloth-based scroll painting, has played a vital role in my artistic journey. The intricate details and mythological narratives of this art form inspired me to visually express myself in various mediums, including oil painting, watercolours, photography, and even computer animation used in Bollywood films. I believe artists should not limit themselves to a specific medium or canvas, and I have even provided background art and animation for several Bollywood movies.

hold a BFA from Uktal University in India, which provided me with a strong foundation in different artistic techniques. My speciality is landscape and portrait art, using a cut-paper collage technique that has gained me recognition and many awards, including first place in Art Ability's Works on Paper category in 2007.

My parents, especially my mother, have always encouraged me to pursue my passion for art, despite my disability. My brother Siddhartha is also a deaf artist, and we both feel abled in every respect. We firmly believe that being "disabled" does not make us inferior to others. Social media and computer-based communication have given me new ways to communicate with the deaf community worldwide.

Teaching college workshops to youth and adults is one of my favourite things to do, sharing my love for this fun and eco-friendly technique of art.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : MyStory
Creatives : Ankita Singh
Guest Author : MyStory

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