My Story: I Was On The Road, Almost Unconscious And Calling For Help, But People Ignored Me And Walked By

My Story: I Was On The Road, Almost Unconscious And Calling For Help, But People Ignored Me And Walked By

“I was partially conscious on the road and calling for help. Passersby decided to ignore me and just walk by. Finally, a grandmother gave me water and an auto driver took my unconscious uncle and I to a hospital. From there, we were shifted to another hospital, except they did not have space. We headed to a third hospital. More than seven hours after the accident, I had five major surgeries and two minor surgeries. My leg was amputated.

I come from a normal family. We work hard, eat our meals, and live a simple life. It felt like with my legs, I had lost my dreams too. I wanted to make my country proud as an international kabbadi player. Suddenly, I did not have any goals. That was only until my support system entered the picture.

My friends taught me to ride a bike. My brother taught me to cycle. My coach trained me to become the fastest bionic walker at the Cybathlon 2016 in Zurich. All of them made me a national basketball player.

Today again I dream of making my country proud. I shall go to Tokyo for the Paralympics and represent India in wheelchair tennis. I dream of being a wise leader, like Captain America. My dreams have risen again, reborn like a phoenix.”

– Prajwal Rajith

Story By – BeingYou | PC: Mohamed Rafi

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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