My Story: Not All Uniforms Are For Sale, Feeling Safe With You Guys Around
17 Nov 2015 11:44 AM GMT
Source: Praveen Krishna
“Tree crashes on car in our apartment. Fire service arrives in 10 minutes flat And the Job done in another 10. Debris cleared!
And these guys haven’t slept in 2 days. All they had was a tea by the residents and then rushed off to another site. They even refused monetary help. Not all uniforms are for sale. Keep it up guys. Feeling safe with you guys around.”
Breaking the myth ‘Sarkari Departments are Slow and non-supportive’ this Fire Service department did the job extremely well.
The Logical Indian community appreciates the Department for working hard in odd weather tirelessly for the comfort of citizens. Good to see citizens like Praveen noticing such efforts bringing into our notice which intern will encourage the Department staff and will improve mutual relationship with common public.