Life Story: I Was Working, Raising Two Children And Supporting My Husband
6 Jan 2016 7:31 PM GMT
Source: Humans of Bombay
“I was married into a very well to do family at the age of 23. It was only once I entered the joint family did I realize that everything was controlled by my mother-in-law, right from the house to the finances.
My husband was a very intelligent man, but he was constantly overpowered by this family – to the point where we had almost no money for daily expenditures.
For the first 10 years of my marriage I would borrow money from my mother and brother to get by, but once my children were born I decided that I wanted to take control and earn for the family.
I was always into cosmetics, so I took a beauty course to learn how to professionally apply make up and drape a sari.
Once my father-in-law passed away, we were constantly in court trying to keep our house and at the same time I was working, raising two children and supporting my husband – who overtime had developed schizophrenia.
I’ve supported myself and my family since then and even after he passed away in 2004…all from draping saris.
I feel like when it comes to protecting family – nothing is impossible for a woman and that’s exactly what pushed me as well.”