My Story

My Story: He Didn’t Want To Continue Our Relationship Because Of My Disease And Was Suddenly Scared Of It
I was a young kid when I was told never to go out with out wearing socks. I was never allowed to remove them in

My Story: I Was One Of The First Women Auto Drivers In Thane, People Used To Stare At Me. Their Stares Used To Make Me Uncomfortable
“My husband has been an auto driver. His income alone wasn’t sufficient for the family. So I asked him to teach me to drive auto

My Story: We’re Both Aware That We May Not Have A Lot Of Time In Our Lives, But We Don’t Worry About That Too Much
“We first met in April 2011 at the Youth Thalassemia Association. Both of us are Thalassemia major patients, so every meet we would bump into

Life Story: I Could See The Nervousness And The Feeling To Cry On Her Face, The Girl Got Her First Periods That Day
“Walking down from a cafe to parking lot, I saw a girl sitting on a bike that was next to mine. The owner of that

My Story: I Started Working Overtime To Earn More Money With Which My Son Is Able To Take Therapy
“Faizan is a five-year-old kid living with his mother and three other siblings in a rented house at Kacchi Khajuri a slum area located at

My Story: “RTO Made My License In 2 Hours After I Told Them That I Will File An RTI”
A week or 2 back I took a Uber ride and met an interesting driver Mr Tirthanand. While I was talking about disability event I

My Story: For The First Time, I Couldn’t Find Enough Courage To Talk To My Mother. Fear Of Losing Her Silently Gripped My Heart
Very often I see people updating the status in solidarity for people living with cancer. After seeing my mother fight the battle, I decided to

My Story: It Broke My Heart And I Cried For Hours, Unable To Come To Terms With Reality And Unwilling To Accepting Who I Was
“I was 12-year-old when I found it out. I was devastated at that moment. I had been taking medication since I was five. I never

My Story: I Asked Them To Hand Over My Shop Back. But They Refused And Threatened My Husband
“As a child, I was very introvert. I wanted to scream and pour out everything going inside my subconscious mind. Social media, Facebook gave me

My Story: At 62, The Doctor Told That I Had 8 Days To Live, I Was Terrified Because Of The Disease
“I’ve had a funny relationship with cancer. In 2005, I was detected with breast cancer and I had to undergo 6 chemo sessions and 30

My Story: My Pregnancy Was A Medical Nightmare. My Doctor Announced That He Could Hear 3 Different Heartbeats
Shefali Vaidya is a mum to triplets: two sons and a daughter – Aadit, Arjun, and Ananya who are now ten years of age. She

My Story: How An Accident Changed My Life Forever; I Never Thought This Could Happen To Me
“They say when life gives you lemons make a lemonade out of it. I just prefer to make a fully adult Mojito for myself and
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.