My Story: I Was In A Live-In-Relationship With A ’Man’ Who Left Me & Got Married To Someone Without Even Bothering To Tell Me
My Story: The Entire Day, I Had To Be In Front Of The Person Whose Face I Did Not Wish To See Ever
My Story: I Too Left But A Strong Thought Came To My Mind And That U-Turn Was The Best Decision In My Life
My Story: I Knew That I Loved Her But I Couldnt Wait For The Distance Between Us To Permanently End
My Story: I Was Afraid Of Pulling Them With My Hands But I Did Not Want To Give Up On Them
My Story: Because Of My Disease, Doctors Advised Me To Leave The Thought Of Marrying A Girl And Leave My Friends As Well
My Story: After My Retirement, The Loneliness Hit Me Hard. My Wife Passed Away Long Back & The Kids Were Busy In Their Lives
My Story: I Realised Why Their Land Struggle Is Of Upmost Important To Humanity As A Whole
My Story: I Get Judged By People Because Of My Name
My Story: With A Damaged Heart I Came Back To IIT. I Thought Of The Last Wish She Made To Me. What About That?
My Story: No One Was Helping Me To Seek Justice For The Rape Of A 5-Year-Old Girl
My Story: I Wanted To Prove People Wrong. I Wanted To Earn My Respect And Stop Feeling Terrible