My Story

My Story: Every Start-Up Or Company We Have Heard In Recent Years Wants To Change Lot Of Lives, But Are They?
I used to be tired of bargaining with auto drivers. While bargain was one pain, auto drivers treating you badly was another – some drunk,

My Story: That Day I Saw The Worst Behavior In Me And The Best In Others
Here I am sharing an experience of my own. It’s about how soon we become judgmental about people, without knowing about them. In 2014, I

My Story: The Day I Saw 2 Women Constables Rescuing A Lady, I Knew I Wanted To Join The Police Force
I always felt that only men are allowed to get into a police force until the day I saw two women constables rescuing a lady

Life Story: We Come Across Rape Cases of 3-Yr-Olds; Women Tortured For Dowry And Subjected To Acid Attacks
“I remember during childhood how we used to play Chor Police with my cousins and I always aspired to become a police officer since then.

My Story: Out Of Nowhere He Wanted To Be A Friend; Unsure Of His Motive, I Was Frightened
I lost both my parents by the age of 11, being thrust over to a new family for my upbringing by my elder siblings. Living

My Story: To Help My Student Write His Exam, I Took Care Of His Shop And Cleaned The Plates
We all love dosa, well that’s what I’d assume, masala dosa, paper dosa, plain dosa, set dosa and so on. But have we ever given

Life Story: I Love To See The Smile On Her Face. But Tears Roll Down When She Cries In Pain, Her Treatment Is My Priority
“I got married 8 years back. It was an arrange marriage and like most lower middle class girls, I was also dependent on my husband

My Story: I Stole 400 Rs From My Father’s Box And Ran Off To India To Join The Indian Army
“I stole 400 Rs from my father’s box while he was sleeping and ran off to India to join the Indian army. I was 17

My Story: Time Never Comes Back, I Wish I Could Thank My Husband For His Love And Efforts But I Can’t
“I wonder why are people shocked to see me work, they ask me “why do you work at this age?” I laugh back and say

My Story: My Mother Fought Everyone To Make Her Daughter-In-Law; We Knew No One Would Attend Our Wedding
“She was four years elder than me. She was black but beautiful than a fairy. But I had never paid attention to her face because

My Story: As I Reached Office, I Got To Know That A Man Who Raped An 8-Yr-Old Girl Had Been Tracked
“I grew up watching my father working in the police force, ever since it has been a dream for me to get into the same

My Story: Abused By Her Parents & Afraid That She Might Be Sold, She Ran Away & Came To Me For Protection
Meet Marakka, our sanitary worker, Pourakarmika, in ward 178. Our first meeting, three years ago wasn’t the most pleasant. Annoyed by a growing garbage dump
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.