My Story: There Was An Image Of Social Shame In My Mind That Was Stopping Me From Talking About This To Anybody
Life Story: My Parents Got Married With The Consent Of The Family But Life Was Unfair To Them
My Story: In Spite Of Being Detected With Cancer And Undergoing Amputation, I Chose To Live A Life Like Any Other Normal Guy
This Woman From Pakistan Has A Strong Message Against Every Boy Who Make Fun Of Breast Cancer
My Story: There Was A Lot Of Noise Around Our Wedding -- People Were Talking About How It Would Never Last
My Story: The School Management Decided To Throw Me Out, My Life Changed After That Moment
My Story: We Belong To The Middle-Class And My Second Child Has A Heart Condition That Is Inoperable
My Story: While I Was Trying To Solve Garbage Issues, Heaps Of Garbage Were Placed Over The Front Yard Of My House
My Story: Every Single Day I Was Beaten And Made To Feel Extremely Inferior And Insignificant By My Husband
Life Story: How A Marksheet Changed The Destiny Of An Entire Family
My Story: People Fear Us. I Have Request To All The Citizens That Consider Us As Your Friends, We Are Not Your Enemy
My Story: May Be Tomorrow When I Marry And Become A Father I Would Also React In A Similar Manner