My Story

My Story: The Superstition Still Persists. If You Marry A Devadasi, You Will Be Cursed For The Rest Of Your Life
“You aren’t alone. The Goddess will look after you. She won’t leave your side. You need nothing else.” “No one else…” There was a silence.

My Story: At 28, I’ve Had 45 Surgeries And Lost My Right Hand, But Still Lived To the Fullest
“I was 12 years old when I got electrocuted while playing with a fishing rod. The rod slipped out of the window and while trying

My Story: I Went To The Psychiatrist With My Mother & Finally Knew That I Had A Problem, But It Was Okay
“About 3 years ago, I started feeling like something just wasn’t right. It started with a few bad days at first, but quickly became a

My Story: Few Years Into The Marriage, I Was Feeling Very Guilty Of Cheating My Partner With My Identity
“I was born in a very Orthodox family where our marriages are arranged at the time of our birth. I was forced into the old

My Story: The Women In The Bus Were Commenting On The Dress Two Girls Were Wearing & I Had To Intervene
“Once while I was travelling in a bus, there were these two girls who were coming back from, what looked like, sports practice. They were

My Story: I Have No Regrets Even Though We Are Poor. He Takes Care Of Our Daughter When I Work
“Every day it was my task to wait for my father in the evening. I waited, and waited for him to arrive home from our

My Story: I Can Never Forget The Night My Mother & I Ran Through The Jungle To Save Our Lives
“You know Dada, on that dark night, on such a pitch black dark path, and risky hilly path, which was not even a road, we

My Story: Don’t Be A Part Of A Rat Race And Call It A Life. Life Is Moments Shared With Your Loved Ones
“I have spent all my life between patients and students because I am a Doctor and at the same time as a professor I have

My Story: “Everyone Has The Choice To Be A Victim Or A Victor & I Still Choose To Emerge As A Victor”
“I am 18 years old. I was born in Kolkata to a businessman and a housewife. Growing up, I was quite a fun-loving kid. In

My Story: People In My Village Called Me A ‘Bad Woman’ For Riding A Bike, Now I’m Teaching My Daughters The Same
When I first came with my motorcycle to this village, a lot of villagers gathered and surrounded me like they had never seen something like

My Story: It Took Us 2 Years But We Finally Convinced Our Families To Let Us Get Married
“Falling in love is one of the most beautiful, rewarding and scariest things you could ever do. When you fall for someone, you can’t think

My Story: My Wife Found Peace In My Arms & Not The Doctor’s; Just As She Wanted – For Us To Be Alone In Her Last Moments
“I first met my wife Zarin, when I was 20 years old at a wedding in Gujarat. Our parents were friends, but bumped into each
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.