My Story

MyStory: ‘I Do Not Allow Challenges, Special Needs To Dampen My Spirit’
Anoushka Tandon was diagnosed with down syndrome at the time of her birth. In a difficult journey for her and her parents, Shruti underwent treatment in India and abroad. She attended a school for children with special needs and learnt a number of important life skills. She aims to operate a café someday and continues to face every challenge that comes in her way.

MyStory: ‘My Depression Turned Out To Be A True Friend, Showed Me Real Faces Of People’
When Shagun Gupta was diagnosed with depression, she was told by others that she was just overthinking. However, when she consulted a psychiatrist and took medicines, her condition improved. She wants to spread the importance of mental health in society.

MyStory: ‘Recovery From Coma Was Slow, Family’s Support Made It Possible For Me To Get Back On Feet’
Rohit Gupta suffered a brain injury when he was 20-year-old. At that time, he was intoxicated after returning from a party in Goa. He was in a coma for six months and it took him seven years to recover and get back to life. He wrote a book around the same theme and wants to inspire others to get over their personal struggles with courage.

My Story: ‘We May Think We Are Getting More Liberal, But Most Of Us Hold Regressive Views Towards Divorce’
When Palak Khurana got divorced, she faced criticism from her family members and near one’s. However, she strongly feels that one should not be let anyone else’s opinion towards taking the right decision for one’s life. She works as a Radio Jockey in Mumbai and leads her life on her own terms.

MyStory: “My Parents Concluded I Am Cursed By Flawed DNA Of Family Tree”
Meenakshi Shekharan suffered from epilepsy in her teenage years. It restricted her from doing a lot of things such as attending her college. However, when she consulted a neurosurgeon, her health got in a better state and she started leading a normal life.

MyStory: “Getting Divorce Should Be Normalised So That People Don’t Stay In Unhappy Marriages”
Jigna Patel always dreamt of finding a suitable life partner and wanted to live a happily married life. However, when she got divorced, she realized she had to face negative reaction by others. Now, she works hard to grow professionally and firmly believes that staying happy and taking care of one’s mental health is more important than living up to the expectations of society.

My Story: ‘Here I Am, Man With Beard And Red Lipstick’
Pushpak Sen took to Facebook to narrate the incident that happened with his 54-year-old mother who was slut-shamed and was bombarded with unpleasant name-calling for wearing red lipstick at a family function.

MyStory: ‘I Faced Child Sex Abuse From Close Relative, Today I Help Children Understand Abuse’
Lokesh Pawar suffered sexual abuse as a child. In his school days, he was often ridiculed by others for his effeminate style. He reached out to his parents for help and he received support from them. He works as an activist and even wants others to be educated about this topic,

MyStory: ‘Each And Every Time When I Fought Back, I Felt Complete’
Tara Kaushal underwent multiple incidents of sexual violence. But she fought back each time and retaliated against the abuser. Her biggest way of fighting back is through publishing her novel, Why Men Rape- An Indian Undercover Investigation. She feels that she has got a closure to her sufferings through her book. She works as a writer and a media consultant.

MyStory: ‘I Was Molested When I Was 12, Today I Am A Survivor’
Sahithi Mannar suffered first from molestation when she was 12-years old. She started blaming herself for her situation. After analyzing herself, she realized that she has to heal herself from all the damage caused by others. Now, she works as a dancing psychologist and admits that she is recovering gradually with each passing day.

MyStory: ‘Tails Of Compassion’ Is About Giving Hope, Unconditional Love To Specially-Abled Animals’
With ‘Tails of Compassion’ (ToC), Divya Parthasarathy started her endeavour to provide a safe and compassionate home for senior and specially-abled dogs.

MyStory: ‘Living With A Rare Disease Has Taught Me Life Is What You Make Out Of It’
Tanavvi Viij was diagnosed with spinal muscular dystrophy when she was just one year old. But even though it restricts her from many activities and moving across places, she wants to fulfil her plans of travelling and completing her studies.
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.