My Story: Giving Up Never Was Never An Option For Me
My Story: I Realized That My One Small Step Is Going To Make A Huge Difference
My Story: Beating Cancer Is Hard, I Have Done It Six Times
My Story: From Working At Microsoft To A Self Taught Calligrapher, Life Has Come A Long Way
My Story: Disability Couldnt Define My Life Negatively, I Used Adversity For Innovation
My Story: Blue-Collar Workers Are Superheroes. Our Turn To Support Them
My Story: Disabilities Exist Only In Our Minds And Not Bodies
My Story: When Others Called Me Handicapped, I Assumed They Were Mistaken
My Story: Adversity Does Not Discriminate, We Need To Train Our Mind Through Resilience, Patience & Resolve
My Story: Our Condition Is Like Cabin Crew Of Plane On Verge Of Crash While Pilot Is Sleeping
My Story: Dad Faces Risk Of An Infection Every Hour Treating Patients At The Hospital
My Story: Whether Its Waterlogging, Cyclone Or Pandemic, I Never Hesitate To Step Out To Do My Duty