My Story

Dilip Jain – Differently Abled Man Who Surpasses Us When it Comes to Dignity and Respect
In our uphill battle to “look” ahead for a bright future, we often do not “see” the things that really matter… This is the story

My Story: I Was Passing By A Bridge And What I Saw Was Unbelievable
It was almost a year ago when I was working with an IT company at Pune. I was visiting my parents in Vadodara during the

Fortunately, I was Proven Innocent
#MyStory “I was an auto rickshaw driver earlier. I was happy with that job until I had an accident. I was driving out of City

I Cannot Leave This Work Even If I Want To
#MyStory “I was forced to work as a keymaker as it’s our family’s traditional occupation. I was 12 years old then, so I couldn’t refuse.

“Give Me Some Money”, This Is What She Asked Me At The First Sight
via – Humans of India “Give me some money”. This is what she asked me at the first sight. After having the conversation for a

When I Reached Home From School, He Took His Last Breath. I Thought He Was Sleeping So I Kept Waiting The Entire Night
#MyStory “My dad was the best. I remember eating with him at big big hotels every night. It was all going great, but one day

I Was Really Upset When My Last Relationship Ended
#MyStory ❝ I was really upset when my last relationship ended. I’d lost hope on the idea of real love and began to think that

The Dreamer
“My parents have never traveled in a car. Someday I would like to own a car and take my parents on a trip.” via –

I Want To Tell Her How Much She Means To Me
via – Stories of Nepal “Father died when we were really small. Mother raised me and my little sister. Word is that he committed

We Love Being a Part Of The Festivities
via – Humans of Pune “Although we can’t walk with the palkhi, we love being a part of the festivities.The atmosphere is so lively and

She Kept Smiling And Said, ‘I Can’t Wait To Make It Our Home’ And That Is Something I Will Never Forget
“We used to live in the same lane when we were younger and that’s how we first met. I knew I liked her when I

Scared of Someone With Knife Behind, She Jumped Off a Running Auto to Save Her Life
It happened yesterday near Jayadeva Circle. I was heading in an Auto towards BTM, while passing the under bridge it felt like someone was behind
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.