My Story

I Can Only Say That I Am Still Dealing With It Everyday
Source: Humans of Bombay “When I lost my mother I didn’t just lose a parent – I lost my conscience keeper, my sense of balance

Everything Changed When My Father Had Separated From Our Family
Source: Humans of Chandigarh “I wanted to become a football player when I was younger. But everything changed when my father had separated from our

This Morning, When His Class Started, I Gave Him A ‘Thank You’ Note
Source: Humans of Pakistan “I was at university when the earthquake hit yesterday. There was chaos as everyone rushed towards the exit to save themselves.Everyone

What If I Was Born With Physical Or Mental Disabilities?
Source: Humans of Bangalore “I was always made fun of because of my skin condition. My own grandmother thought I was an abomination, they tried

My Story: Here’s The Story Of My 25th Birthday, I Feel So Much Satisfied After This
It was my birthday on 19th this month. I intended to put a smile on others’ faces rather than wasting my money on a party. If

My Story: Thank You For Standing With Us Risking Your Own Safety That Night
Few days ago, me and my 9 year old son accompanied my husband for his official trip at Pune. The accommodation was provided by the

Opinion| Madras HC Recommends Castration For Child Rapists. What Is Your Opinion?
Image Source: Shatterpics & Suzigodson The Madras High Court has called for a consideration of the castration of people convicted for child sex abuse.

Why Would Anyone Want To Leave The Comforts Of The US And Return To India?
Source: Quora | Author: Brendan Stewart | Image Courtesy: athleticsinjapanmlb I’ll write this reply as an American with lots of Indian friends, Indian wife and

My Story: How Can Someone Be So Good To Someone In Today’s World
This summer when I was heading back home with my uncle and aunt, on the way an incident took place. We were travelling by train

Wedded, Abused & Pregnant At 19, She Stepped Out For Her Son. It’s Been 10 Years!
Source: Humans of Bombay “His family and my family have lived in the same building for years but since his business was in Bombay and

Self Flagellation Needs A Re-Think & Here’s Why!
Image Source: dailymail What is The Day of Ashura? The day bears huge significance among Muslims across the world and more particularly in case of

My Story: While Some Men Do Rape, Beat And Abuse Women – Not All Men Are The Same
Source: Humans of Bombay False case not only destroys someone’s life, but also weakens our belief in Judicial system. This is one person narration of
My Story
- Life
- Experiences
- Inspiration
Real-life, first-person accounts that remind us every human has a story to tell, experiences to share, and actions to inspire.