I come from a very humble background, and during childhood, our family has faced several financial struggles. In childhood, I had a small tumour in the brain, so to cure that, I was on medication until I turned 11. The circumstances were so dire that my father bought a refrigerator for the first time just because my medicines required to be kept in a cooler place. Even after growing up, I was a teacher by profession and had started my YouTube channel in 2018 for a passive income. I come from the hills, and even three years ago, people were unfamiliar with content creators and online platforms.
Income Fell to ₹7,000 Due To Lockdown
Back in 2018, I was doing multiple things at once. In the daytime, I would attend my college, in the evenings, I would teach local children at my place, and at night I would edit my videos of motor vlogging. Mounting a camera on my helmet while I would ride to college and speaking into the camera had become my creative outlet. The most significant change happened when the country went into lockdown. My students could not come, and even through online classes, my income fell to a third of what it used to be. At regular times, I would manage to make ₹20,000 a month, but hardly ₹7,000 was coming in during the lockdown. To top that, expenses were also rising.
Now A Family of 1.3 Million on YouTube
I recall that one day last year, I requested my father to support me for one year. I was doing multiple things, and the result was still meager. That was when my father told me to dedicate all my time to this YouTube channel and see where life takes me. I would not say it was overnight, but things did blow up on social media in very little time. After one year of full-time vlogging, we are now a family of 1.3 million on YouTube. Initially, I would have sleepless nights thinking about the future and how I would thrive, but I am so grateful for whatever appreciation and acceptance I received.

I am almost travelling every time in the year. I have been to Nepal, Leh-Ladakh, Rajasthan, and I am travelling to Assam and Meghalaya this month. Now life is about riding the bike, vlogging, eating, editing videos, and sleeping sometimes. Even though I am grinding almost always, I never feel fatigued; maybe it is because I follow my passion, which drives me to explore as much as possible. I have learned that when a person is financially stable, he is in a better mental and emotional space. Now I wake up every morning with so much excitement. When I look back at what I have come through as an individual and what my family has seen, I know all those struggles were worth it.
If you too have an inspiring story to tell the world, send us your story at mystory@thelogicalindian.com