Made My Day

A Futuristic Device Which Pulls Fresh Water From Air Is Quenching The Thirst Of Parched Countries
Almost all of us have grown up to stories of zany magicians from distant wonderlands who could create water out of thin air to save

A Futuristic Device Which Pulls Fresh Water From Air Is Quenching The Thirst Of Parched Countries
Almost all of us have grown up to stories of zany magicians from distant wonderlands who could create water out of thin air to save

Revolutionary: Germany Builds A Solar City That Produces Four Times More Energy Than It Consumes
We have known cities to be great power-guzzlers, having a huge appetite for consuming electricity to power its homes and buildings. To generate electricity for

Meet The Man Who Gave India Its First Electric Car
Chetan Maini is a man with a vision, the pioneer of electric vehicles in India. What began as a start-up in Bangalore, with innovation and

Everything You Need To Know About Solid Waste Disposal In India
The kinds of solid waste that pose problems due to their sheer volumes include household waste, municipal waste, biomedical waste, e-waste, electronic and electrical equipment

[Watch/Read] The Worst Nuclear Test: How USSR Nuclear Tests Affects Million Of People’s Lives
‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’, the entire world will always dread these two names, these are the only nuclear bombs that have ever been used

Water Crisis On The Rise: Children Risk Their Lives To Get Drinking Water In MP
This Is The Heartbreaking A large part of Bundelkhand, which is hit by drought, falls under Madhya Pradesh. Declining groundwater levels is a menace that

How Monsanto Seeds Changed Cotton Farming In India
The Union government’s decision to switch back to the indigenous seeds is a welcoming step towards cotton farming in India. Infact it is turning out

[Video] MP: Raees Markani Invented A Car That Runs On Fuel As Cheap As Rs 10 Per Litre
Fossil fuels Add pollution to THE atmosphere, are limited, non-renewable and take hundreds of years to form which involves various geophysical processes. If they remain untapped, then they

Meet The Man Who Cleaned 160 Km Long River Single Handedly Without Any Govt. Help
Sant Balbir Singh Seechewal is popularly known as “Eco-Baba” in India and abroad for his various achievements in conserving the environment. His most significant environmental

9 Farmers Commit Suicide Daily In Drought-Hit Maharashtra
As many as 3,228 farmers committed suicide in Maharashtra in 2015, the highest since 2001, according to data tabled in the Rajya Sabha on March

Video: Pakistan’s Largest City Is Running Out Of Water, The Results Are Genuinely Terrifying
Pakistan’s largest city is running out of water and both the causes and the results are genuinely terrifying. Unreported World found poor infrastructure combining with
Made My Day
- Kindness
- Joy
- Positivity
Heartwarming stories of kindness, positivity, and the little acts that put a smile on your face and brighten your day.