Infosys co-founder Kris Gopalakrishnan, along with 17 others, has been booked under the SC/ST Atrocities Act in Bengaluru following allegations of caste-based abuse and wrongful dismissal. The complaint was lodged by Durgappa, a member of the Bovi community, who claims he faced discrimination after being falsely implicated in a honey trap case in 2014. The case emerged after a court directive, and while the accused have not publicly commented, the incident raises significant concerns about caste discrimination in academic institutions.
Allegations of Caste-Based Abuse
The case against Gopalakrishnan and 17 others was registered at the Sadashiva Nagar police station on January 27, 2025, following instructions from the 71st city civil and sessions court. Durgappa alleges that he was wrongfully implicated in a honey trap scandal that resulted in his dismissal from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), where Gopalakrishnan serves on the Board of Trustees. In his complaint, Durgappa claims that after the incident, he faced caste-based harassment and threats from colleagues.
The FIR lists several prominent figures associated with Infosys and IISc, including former IISc Director Balaram and faculty members such as Govindan Rangarajan and Sridhar Warrier. However, there has been no response from any of the accused regarding these serious allegations.
Who is Senapathy Kris Gopalakrishnan?
Senapathy “Kris” Gopalakrishnan is a distinguished Indian businessman and one of the co-founders of Infosys, established in 1981. He served as CEO and Managing Director from 2007 to 2011 and as Vice Chairman until 2014. Gopalakrishnan has been instrumental in transforming Infosys into a global leader in IT services, with revenues exceeding $11 billion.
He has received numerous accolades for his contributions to technology and business, including the Padma Bhushan, India’s third-highest civilian award. Currently, he chairs Axilor Ventures, focusing on nurturing startups in India.
Context of the Case
This incident traces back to 2014 when Durgappa was allegedly implicated in a honey trap case that led to significant personal and professional consequences. His claims highlight ongoing issues of caste discrimination within India’s educational institutions, where individuals from marginalized communities often face systemic biases. The rising awareness around such issues reflects a broader societal challenge regarding caste dynamics and discrimination in professional settings.
The Logical Indian’s Perspective
This troubling case emphasizes the pressing need for dialogue and reform concerning caste discrimination in Indian society. It is essential to create an environment where individuals can voice their concerns without fear of retribution or stigma.
The Logical Indian advocates for empathy and understanding as we navigate these sensitive issues. How can we collectively work towards fostering a culture of respect and equality for all communities?