A post quoting news website UP tak claiming a Hindu woman killed 6 Muslim men is doing round on social media. In the viral news, it is being claimed that a Dalit Hindu girl escaped after slitting the throats of 6 Muslim youths in Varanasi who threatened her with rape and conversion. The news report also claimed 6 severed heads had been recovered from a Kali temple there. The incident allegedly happened in Hemantpur village in Varanasi’s Babatpur.
A Twitter user shared this report and wrote, “Dalit girl cut off heads of 6 Muslims in Babatpur, Banaras and offered them to Kali Maa.”
दलित लड़की ने बनारस के बाबतपुर में 6 मुसलमानोंके सर काटकर काली मां को चढ़ा दिए pic.twitter.com/7YovFLudNb
— योगीआदित्यनाथफैन(डिजिटल योद्धा)गोडसे का भक्त (@maheshyagyasain) June 18, 2023
Another user wrote, “Dalit Hindu girl absconding after slitting the throat of 6 Muslim youths for threatening rape and conversion; 6 severed heads recovered from Kali temple in Babatpur. Now this is what we call staunch Sanatani lionesses.”
बलात्कार और धर्मांतरण की धमकी देने पर 6 मुस्लिम युवको का गला काट दलित हिंदू युवती फरार ; बाबतपुर स्थित काली मंदिर से 6 कटे सिर बरामद
यह हुई ना बात कट्टर सनातनी शेरनीयो वाली pic.twitter.com/DiC6dD2KJ7
— लक्ष्मी हिंदुस्तानी (@Hindulaxmig) June 18, 2023
It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.
Dalit Hindu girl slitted the throats of 6 Muslim youths in Varanasi after they were threatened her with rape and conversion.
Fact Check:
The Logical Indian fact check team verified the viral claim and found it to be false.
During the initial investigation, we did an open keyword search and came across a tweet by DCP Gomti Zone in which they refuted the viral claim. The post reads, “Some Twitter handles are posting fake news which is being made viral, in which it is being told that “06 Muslim youths were beheaded, Dalit Hindu girl absconded after threatening rape and conversion, 06 heads were recovered from Babatpur Sthil Kali Mandir”, which is completely untrue. No such incident has happened in outpost Babatpur under police station Phulpur of Varanasi Gomti zone. Varanasi Police refutes this false misleading news. Please do not share this type of false and misleading post. Varanasi Police is keeping a vigilant eye on social media platforms, legal action will be taken against those who share such posts.
आवश्यक सूचना…
कतिपय ट्वीटर हैंडलों द्वारा एक फेक न्यूज को पोस्ट कर वायरल किया जा रहा है, जो पूर्णतया असत्य है। वाराणसी गोमती ज़ोन पुलिस इस असत्य एवं भ्रामक खबर का खंडन करती है।#UPPolice #PoliceCommissionerateVaranasi #Gomti_Zone pic.twitter.com/eL37ECjQ9g
— DCP Gomti Zone VNS (@DcpGomti) June 18, 2023
In further investigation, we saw the logo of ‘UPTak’ on it. Taking a hint from it, we did a keyword search, however, we could not find any news report related to this incident on the ‘UPTak’ website and their YouTube channel.
Moreover, UP Tak also tweeted a fact-check of this image and called it fake. The caption of the tweet reads, “This fictitious news being spread on social media with the name (Logo) of UP Tak is completely untrue and misleading. Please do not pay attention to such misleading news. Varanasi Commissionerate has also denied this news. Police will take legal action against those who share such posts.”
सोशल मीडिया पर यूपी Tak के नाम (Logo) के साथ फैलाई जा रही ये काल्पनिक ख़बर पूर्णतया असत्य एवं भ्रामक है। कृपया ऐसी भ्रामक ख़बरों पर ध्यान न दें। वारणसी कमिश्नरेट ने भी इस ख़बर का खंडन किया है। पुलिस ऐसे पोस्ट को शेयर करने वालों पर वैधानिक कार्यवाही करेगी।#UPTak #FakeNews… pic.twitter.com/4CHtr2COX5
— UP Tak (@UPTakOfficial) June 19, 2023
We also found that the image of policemen seen in the viral image of the temple is actually a file image used by The Indian Express several times in the past. Below you can see the comparison.

It is evident from our investigation that the viral image is edited and no such incident has been reported in Hemantpur village, Varanasi. DCP Gomti Zone also denied the viral claim. Hence, the viral claim is false.
If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.
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Fact Check
2023-06-23 10:34:37.0
Dalit Hindu Woman Beheaded 6 Muslims For Rape And Conversion Threat? Fictional Report Viral With False Claim