Images: Bhaskar
Easier said than done however there are certainly dreamers in India who do find a way.
Meet Santosh Mahto and his son Karan. Santosh is a poor street-food seller who sells samosas and eggs on his pushcart in Ranchi. The customers who come to his cart to buy snacks are often surprised to see his son Karan studying under the cart.
Santosh says, “My son studies in a private school. He is intelligent, that is why I bring him here. We live in a house of rent Rs. 700 whereas I pay Rs.500 for Karan’s school fee. I’ll educate him till the time he wants to study. I am not well-educated but I do know how to sign.”
The reason why the child studies under the cart is interesting. The child has many doubts when he studies, and Santosh is not always able to explain everything. In such cases, he asks his customers for help. The customers who come to his cart to eat samosas and eggs are more than happy to lend a helping hand. This is not just a heartwarming story of a family’s efforts towards education, but also an example of smart crowdsourcing!
We can’t predict the future but we are sure that this hard work and dedication will never go waste and one day this little star will shine. Our well wishes to this amazing and hardworking duo.